8 Tips for Organizing Your Book Launch

Coordinating a book launch is not always a simple project. One must find the right venue, tap into the right audience, decide on the right format, and handle all the logistics that come along with setting up and selling books. Indeed, it’s complex.

We have managed dozens of book launches over the years. They have varied in size and format: some authors preferred intimate settings so we set up in a friend’s home and invited close friends and family. Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, on the other hand, was happy to open his event to the public and 3,000 showed up! 

Since every book is its own creation, there is no one correct format for a book launch event. However, it’s important to keep in mind that each of your book events is part of your marketing so it is important to keep certain elements in mind when planning them.

Here are some things to consider when arranging your events:

  1. What is your vision for the event? Do you prefer something intimate or large?
  2. What is your goal? It could be that you want to share the passion behind your work or you may be focused on book sales. The venue and audience should reflect your goal.
  3. Who is the audience you’re aiming for? Consider inviting personal contacts (family, friends, colleagues, etc), a particular community (an alumni association or supporters of a particular organization, for example), or open it to the public.
  4. What are some possible venues and what are the costs involved? Do you have a budget to rent a space? Consider a local community center, synagogue/church, someone’s home or backyard, an alumni organization to which you belong.
  5. What is your preferred format? Without a doubt, you, as the author, should be prepared to speak. Some popular formats are an interview with an interlocutor interviewing you, the author; a panel discussion with a couple of other experts who may have a different approach to a shared topic, or a frontal presentation. Should you choose a presentation, you may wish to show some visuals.
  6. How will people know about the event? Be sure to prepare a simple flyer invitation (try a template on Canva!). Use email, social media, community listserves, and consider taking out a paid ad in a local newspaper. Be sure to send a reminder!
  7. Consider co-hosting with a strategic partner. Does your book address a topic that would interest a particular organization? Perhaps there is a think-tank or non-profit that specializes in the subject of your book. There may be a possibility to co-host the event. Such an option would increase the marketing and audience potential, and they may even have a venue to use.
  8. How will you sell books? When deciding on a venue for your event, make sure to set up a table to sell books. You may also wish to sign books, as well. Figure out who will sell the books and how payment will be collected. It is preferable to sell them at a discount off the retail price, if possible.

In short, book launch events should be seen as an important piece of your marketing and publicity plans. For this reason, the venue, atmosphere, and envisioned guests, should all match the type of energy you strive to create in your book.

To maximize the PR potential, invite people who can help spread the word about your book – think carefully about journalists who cover your topic, local bloggers, and any social media influencers who are in your sphere.

You may wish to reach out to a  notable personality who takes interest in the topic you’ve written about. If that person attends, that too, can be used for publicity purposes (with permission, of course).

Encourage your guests to share the news about the book and the launch on social media, and include ways to purchase the book (local bookstores, Amazon link, etc).

For more ideas on creating the right book launch for you book, please contact us for a consultation

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